Stick Divination | 6 and 9 Cowry Shell | Birth and Death | Blessing and Healing the Land | Energy Healing | all services
Finding Divination for Birth and Death
A finding divination is a stick divination that takes place before a child is born and/or after a person has passed. A finding divination for birth is an inquiry into the purpose of the unborn soul. At these divinations, the pregnant mother will hold the divination stick with Amy as family, friends and community gather around to witness. Usually a celebration is held after, making this a great divination to incorporate into a blessing way. A finding divination for death is also a stick divination where a close family member will hold the divination stick for the deceased. The purpose of this divination is to see if anything (ritual, offerings, etc.) is needed to help the deceased love one on their journey into the Otherworld. Often times there is unfinished work that needs to be tended to by a family member. These divinations are very healing, as they assist the dead in their journey to becoming a healthy, clear ancestor. 2 hours
$200 includes 15 minute optional consultation and follow up email or text.