What is Divination


Divination has been used since ancient times by people wanting to connect with the Otherworld. Across the globe, different cultures practice various methods of connecting with these unseen realms. Some well known types of divination are tarot, oracle cards, reading tea leaves, geomancy and I Ching. A lesser known style of divination that comes from the Dagara tribe of West Africa is Stick Divination.

Initiated stick diviners have undergone an in-depth process of merging consciousness with one or more Elemental Beings. The Elemental Beings, in the Dagara Cosmology, are known as the Kontomble and the Wedeme. These beings are the Spirits and Keepers of the Water and the Wild. They are known around the world by different names, according to their geographic location. You may know them as Fairies, Gnomes, Elves, Duende, Menehune, Mermaids, plant spirits or simply as “the little people”. After a diviner has been properly initiated and merged with specific Elemental Beings, these spirits become very close allies, bringing the diviner messages and information to relay to the client. These benevolent, loving beings are in service to the Earth and very much want to assist humanity with healing. Stick divination is considered prescriptive, meaning a healing ritual is often the prescribed medicine.

The Five Elements of Dagara Cosmology












In the tradition of the Dagara tribe of West Africa, there are 5 elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Mineral and Nature.

During a stick divination, the pieces representing these elements may be selected by the stick to bring the client a message or request an offering or ritual. Fire is the realm of the ancestors. A fire ritual may be prescribed for ancestral healing. Water supports life and brings clarity. An offering of water may be needed to clear the way if a person is feeling blocked. Earth is a living consciousness that humans are deeply connected to. Earth burials are important rituals prescribed for reconnecting to the Earth and becoming more grounded. Mineral/Mountain brings strength, support and fortitude, as well as keeping memories. A ritual with a mountain may be a way to connect with an ancestral lineage. Nature/the Wild is potentiality, change and creativity. Offerings to the beings of the wild, including the wild animals of the land may be requested.